Kadavu Island Village Visits & Experiences
Naivakarauniniu Village

Naivakarauniniu Village is the closest to Papageno Resort and can be hiked to from here (about 3km), or boated to. Naivakarauniniu offers our guests an open invitation to its Sunday church service at 10:30am. They speak and sing beautifully in the Fijian language. There is also an English portion of the service. Donations are accepted at service as an offering. The money goes to renovations of the village, like installing a new water tank, expanding the village grounds and building of their new community center.
Naivakarauniniu Village Church Service
FJD 28 Adult |Child free
FJD 28 Adult |Child free
Vunisei Village

Vunisei Village is the next village East of Naivakarauniniu. You’ll travel through a gorgeous mangrove maze into the village entry point. It is best to time your trip to Vunisei Village with a high tide. Vunisei is the grounds to the Sanima District Primary School (Ages 5 - 14). The children come from five different villages in the area for a weekly boarding program at the Primary School. We can arrange an interactive experience with the village’s school to visit the classrooms and play with the children at “recess”. The children are always thrilled to welcome guests from the resort and often times will sing for visitors coming through their school grounds.
Vunisei Village Primary School Visit
FJD 40 Adult | FJD 20 Child
FJD 40 Adult | FJD 20 Child
Daku Village

Daku Village is one of the most developed villages in this region of Kadavu and offers rich cultural experiences like traditional Tapa making, Fijian mat weaving, traditional Fijian village tour, and a fun crash course on Yaqona (Kava). We can prepare this visit to your desires. Just let us know what you are looking to get out of your experience and we’ll liaison with the village representatives.
Daku Village Fijian Culture Experience
FJD 50 Adult | FJD 25 Child
FJD 50 Adult | FJD 25 Child